30 | 25 years of making connections

The combination of allogeneic, xenogeneic and synthetic solutions offers greater treatment flexibility and virtually covers all the needs for a predictable regeneration of hard and soft tissues. Striate+™ Striate+™ is the next generation of collagen membranes - expertly processed to remove all traces of DNA and immunogenic contaminants to create a favourable environment for the rapid regeneration of high-quality bone and soft tissue. MinerOss™A MinerOss™ A is a processed allogenic bone tissue that offers proven, reliable, and predictable surgical outcomes comparable to autologous bone harvested from intra-oral donor sites. BONE GRAFT SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS MEMBRANES SOFT TISSUE AUGMENTATION ALLOGRAFT MinerOssTM A Family XENOGRAFT SYNTHETIC XENOGRAFT SYNTHETIC XENOGRAFT NovoMatrix® (porcine) SynMax™ Granulates (Cancellous & Cortico-cancellous) Blocks (Cancellous & Unicortical) Cortical Plate MinerOss® XP (porcine) MinerOss® X (bovine) CeraOss™ (bovine) Striate+™ (porcine) Mem-Lok® Pliable (porcine) ArgonautTM (porcine) Mem-Lok® RCM (bovine) PermaPro™