Clinical evidence and Science

44 Clinical evidence and Science Fig. 19_Clinical example with the initial orthopantomography (a), the clinical view intraoperatively (b) and the prosthetic rehabilitation after 60 months (c). In (d) the bone levels as presented annually (Moergel et al. 2021, reproduced with kind permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc, USA) Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) of CAMLOG® and CONELOG® implant-supported restorations Patient satisfaction must be regarded as one of the most important factors for the success of the chosen treatment concept. A plenum of publications reported if the patient’s expectations with the restorations were met regarding aesthetics and functionality. With a categorical scale the ability to chew, the ability to taste, the comfort, the appearance, and the general satisfaction was assessed by the patients at different time points after loading. Restorations with CAMLOG® SCREW-LINE in the observational study by Beschnidt et al. achieved in every category and at every timepoint up to five years follow-up more than 98% of excellent or good satisfaction (25). With CONELOG® SCREW-LINE implants equally high numbers of satisfaction were reached. Ackermann et al. reported 87.5% of the patients to be highly satisfied and 12.5% to be satisfied with their restorations after 5 years in situ (26). Also, none of the patients within the study of Moergel et al. reported to be dissatisfied after a wearing time of five years (Fig. 19) (27). The gathering of patient-reported outcome measures is supplementing other clinical parameters and confirmed the treatment success with CAMLOG® and CONELOG® SCREW-LINE implants in the chapters before. PROSTHETIC RESTORATIONS: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED TREATMENT OPTIONS