CAMLOG Product Catalog

4 | CAMLOG® Product Catalog 2024 Promote® Surface CAMLOG® Implants are available with the abrasive-blasted, acid-etched Promote® Surface. The surface is based on current scientific knowledge and supports rapid osseointegration. Scientific results from studies with cell cultures, osteohistology and in pull-out trials illustrate this impressively.3* * See “Further documentation” on page 121 CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE Implants The CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE Implants make it easier to implement modern treatment concepts such as immediate restorations or immediate loading, which require high primary stability.1, 2* The geometry of the implant is consistently designed to develop high initial stability: The self-tapping screw implant has a conically shaped apical area that enables pronounced primary stability even in soft bone.1, 2* Thread extending to the apex for good anchorage in immediate implantations.1, 2* Crestal thread for improved hold with limited residual bone height.2* The CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE Implants are available with the Promote® plus Surface which features a 0.4 mm high machined implant neck. Depending on the clinical situation, this surface design thus permits slightly supracrestal or epicrestal implant positioning. CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE Implants with screw-mounted insertion post can be used for template guided implant dentistry. CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE Implants are equipped with the proven Tube-in-Tube® Implant abutment-connection and feature three symmetrically arranged angular grooves in the cylindrical part of the implant neck. The prosthetic restoration is performed with CAMLOG® Abutments, optionally also with components for Platform Switching. * See “Further documentation” on page 121 Promote® plus 0.4 mm Implant lengths 9 mm 11 mm 13 mm 16 mm Implant diameter 3.3 mm 3.8 mm 4.3 mm 5.0 mm