Biomaterials Patient Brochure

15 Sufficient bone substitute material is inserted and membranes are used if necessary. The opening is sealed. The material remodels into own bone over time. The bone substitute material is inserted between the maxillary sinus membrane and the jawbone through an access at jaw level using a special applicator. Stable bone is evident after a few months of healing. An implant can be inserted and prosthetically restored. Various concepts are available for implant restorations. Example of maxillary sinus reconstruction (sinus lift) In some cases, lacking bone can also be built up at the same time as the implant is placed. The implant is inserted in the correct position in the jawbone as defined by prosthetic criteria. The bone deficit is built up with bone and bone substitute material. After the gingiva is sealed, the implant heals and the substitute material is remodeled into stable autologous bone. Bone augmentation and simultaneous implant insertion