Biomaterials Patient Brochure

3 For reasons of easier readability, gender-specific differentiation has been omitted in part in this brochure. Corresponding terms always apply to all genders in the interests of equal treatment. Anyone who loses teeth wishes for a good substitute. They should look as natural as possible and, of course, restore the function of your dentition. When teeth are lost, both the soft tissue and the jawbone recede through natural biological processes. However, sufficient bone volume is crucial for a stable long-term implant restoration. An implant should be placed in the physiologically optimal position so that the chewing forces can be properly absorbed and transmitted into the bone. If bone is lacking here, your dentist has different options for augmenting (increasing) the bone to create a stable bony foundation. Interventions for bone augmentation as well as interventions to achieve a firm gingiva (gumline), are necessary in some situations to enable stable longterm implant restoration on a healthy foundation. In case of marginal bone loss, augmentation can be performed at the same time as implant placement. How and to what extent bone augmentation is performed, which material is used and over which treatment period this is converted into autologous (your own) bone, depends on your personal situation. The decision-making process for a restoration with implants poses a number of questions. As a leading manufacturer of dental implants and distributor of BioHorizons biomaterials, Camlog serves as a competent partner for your dentist. In this brochure we have compiled information for you on the treatment options with biomaterials which may be relevant with regard to a restoration with implants. This provides you with information in advance and enables you to ask specific questions during the consultation with your dentist or implantology specialist, allowing you to then decide together on the best treatment solution in your case. Your treating dentist will explain the processes involved in healing the bone and the gingiva to you in detail. Dear reader,