13 shop online at store.biohorizons.com Two-Stage Protocol In a two-stage surgery, the implant is placed below the soft tissue and protected from occlusal function and other forces during osseointegration. A low-profile cover cap is placed on the implant to protect it from the ingress of soft tissue. Following osseointegration, a second procedure exposes the implant and a transmucosal healing abutment is placed to allow for soft tissue healing and development of a sulcus. Prosthetic restoration begins after soft tissue healing. Single-stage Protocol Single-stage surgery may be accomplished by placing a healing abutment at the time of implant surgery. This eliminates the need for a second procedure. Although the implant is not in occlusal function, some forces can be transmitted to it through the exposed transmucosal element. Prosthetic restoration begins following osseointegration of the implant and soft tissue healing. Non-functional Immediate Restoration Single-stage surgery with non-functional immediate provisionalization provides the patient a non-functioning provisional prosthesis early in the treatment plan. An abutment is placed on the implant at or shortly after surgery, and a provisional restoration is secured using temporary cement. The provisional can help contour the soft tissue profile during healing. Immediate Function Restoration Single-stage surgery with immediate function is possible in good quality bone where multiple implants exhibiting excellent initial stability can be splinted together. Splinting implants together may offer a biomechanical advantage over individual, unsplinted prostheses. Implant with cover cap in a two-stage protocol. Implants with a splinted prosthesis in immediate function. Implant with healing abutment in a single-stage protocol. Implant restored with a nonfunctional provisional prosthesis. Surgical Manual Surgical Protocols