17 shop online at store.biohorizons.com Paralleling Pins Purpose: Evaluate osteotomy position and angle. • Provided straight or with a 20° angle • Use after 2.0mm Starter Drill • 9mm shank for radiographic evaluation of proximity to adjacent anatomy • Hub diameter is 4.0mm HD Drills Purpose: Incrementally widen the osteotomy to reduce heat generation. • Depth-marked for reference • Efficient cutting drill design collects bone for autografting • The drill tip has limited end cutting. However, the osteotomy depth can be increased with these drills as needed • Matte finish for increased visibility under operatory lights •1,000 RPM Implant & Abutment Drivers Purpose: Engage the implant’s internal hex to drive implants into the osteotomy. • Implant level drivers are color-coded by prosthetic connection: yellow/green=3.5/4.5mm platform • 30 rpm or less17 Surgical Manual Osteotomy Preparation