19 shop online at store.biohorizons.com Immediate Provisional Restorative Options Temporary Abutments Purpose: Titanium and PEEK temporaries are easily modified for fabrication of cement or screw-retained provisional restorations. A long direct coping screw (purchased separately) may be used to maintain the screw access hole during the fabrication of a screw-retained provisional prosthesis. cover cap Cover Caps for Two-stage Protocol Purpose: Protects prosthetic platform in two-stage (submerged) surgical protocol for bone level implants. • Irrigate implant to remove blood and other debris: • Use an antibacterial paste to decrease the risk of bacterial growth • Thread clockwise into implant body • Color-coded by prosthetic platform • Hand-tighten (10-15 Ncm) utilizing .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver The cover cap for the mount-free implant is mounted in the vial cap. Healing Abutments for Single-stage Protocol Purpose: Transmucosal element for developing soft tissue emergence with narrow, regular, wide emergence or Simple Solutions prosthetic components. • Color-coded by prosthetic platform • The 3.5, 4.5mm and 5.7mm healing abutments are laser marked for easy intraoral identification; for example: YR3=Yellow (3.5mm) platform / Regular Emergence / 3mm High • If a Laser-Lok temporary or final restoration is planned, a Laser-Lok healing abutment is required • Hand-tighten (10-15 Ncm) utilizing .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver Surgical Manual Healing Protocols