20 shop online at store.biohorizons.com Post-operative Instructions A period of unloaded healing time is often recommended to allow for integration between the bone and implant surface. This is dependent on individual patient healing rates and bone quality of the implant site. Each case must be independently evaluated. The patient should be instructed to follow a post-surgical regimen including cold packs for 24 hours post-implantation. The patient’s diet should consist of soft foods and possibly dietary supplements. Pharmacological therapy should be considered as the patient’s condition dictates. If a removable prosthesis is used during the initial healing phase, a soft liner material should be used to prevent pressure on the surgical site. Relieve the prosthesis over the implant site prior to the soft liner application. Periodically check the patient’s soft tissue and bone healing using clinical and radiographic evaluations. Ongoing hygiene for the implant patient is vital. Hygiene recall appointments at three month intervals are suggested. Instruments designed for implant abutment scaling, such as Implacare® instruments from Hu-Friedy® should be utilized. The stainless steel handles may be fitted with assorted tip designs for hygiene on natural teeth. The Implacare® scalers contain no glass or graphite fillers that can scratch titanium implant abutments. Do not use the profiler without the guide in place. Using an .050” hex driver, remove the surgical cover cap from the implant and place the profiler guide that matches the color of the prosthetic platform. Use the profiler with copious amounts of sterile irrigation. Once the excess bone and soft tissue are removed, unscrew the guide and seat the appropriate prosthetic component. Image showing exceptional bone growth at 3 months. (Myron Nevins, DDS.) Bone Profilers Purpose: In cases where excess crestal bone has been created, use a bone profiler at implant uncovery to contour the bone. This will provide the necessary clearance for proper abutment seating. • Profiler guide protects implant platform • Color-coded by prosthetic platform (gray=3.0mm, yellow=3.5mm, green=4.5mm, blue=5.7mm) • 800 rpm drill speed with steady sterile irrigation Surgical Manual Appendix